Let me recap some of her story for you if you do not remember.
In 2007, Aurola came to Namibia. Currently, she is taking care of her “adopted” grandmothers (3 widowed women). Aurola is sixteen years old (seventeen on February 2nd) and had attended schooling up to grade 7 in Angola; however, moving to Namibia forced her into a school system that spoke a language she had never spoken before. She started grade 5 this past week. While living with her adopted grandmothers, Aurola has to haul water, pound pap for food, and help care for the grandmothers in return they have given her a place to live. Aurola like a good majority of teenagers struggles intensely with self-confidence, feeling loved, and the temptation to have sex. On last Friday morning when she found out that she was 30 weeks pregnant I can only imagine what she may have been feeling. While she had know for a while she had been pregnant, she wanted to “hide” it from everyone. I know she feels a lot of shame for being “impregnated” (as the locals would say) by a boy similar in age to her. On Friday morning she also found out that she could not get an abortion (her first choice- but it is illegal here). Friday night she tired to hang herself from a beam in her mud hut using a red tie that typically they wear to church. I spent a day of so with her after she attempted to hang herself, then took her back to stay with her family.
Over the next couple of months I would go visit Aurola. I would like to say these visit felt profitable and enjoyable, but to be honest talking to Aurola is like pulling teeth. She is not a very open person nor is she that willing to open up to me. It has been frustrating.
On March 22nd (my nephew and one of my best friend’s birthday) Aurola had a little baby girl. I visited her that afternoon in hospital and the following day. Paulina was a beautiful baby girl and looking into her cute little face I was honored that I was able to her even see her face.
These last two month have been even more difficult to visit her as I live quite a distance from her; but on Saturday Aurola, Paulina, Fayha, Anna and I walked into town and had a picnic lunch. Fayha and Anna had a blast playing in the sprinkler! On the way back people told them they were wearing “wash and wear” clothes!
Please pray that these girls will value themselves and see the value in staying pure. On one visit with Aurola, I sat there wondering how long it may be till she would have another child. It was a sobering thought. Also pray that they Lord will continue to have these girls open up too me. They are quite closed!
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