Sunday, November 28, 2010

Week in review

Friend and Family,

I don't really have time to post as I am leaving in about one hour for Capetown.
I will be the main of honor in one of my dearest friends wedding - Carrie Faulks soon to be Mrs. Errol Schwartz!!!

Here is my week in review:

Farming God's Way -- Monday and Tuesday morning! I think I am going to start a garden here. I learned so much and it was VERY inspiring! Farming has been made much more complex then it really has too be.

Many meeting - Wednesday and Thursday afternoon--- felt at time exhuasted but overall encouraged by our team and where things are going!

Rundu State Hospital - Wed. --> Friday mornings. Wednesday was pretty crazy with nine cases in 4.5 hours. They were not just simple cases either! I have seen a lot of strange and sometimes quite aweful things here.

OVC project -- please pray that leaders will rise up among the nationals.

Saturday -- we celebrated Thanksgiving African Style... it was an all day event that included killing 2 chickens! I did not kill a chicken but I am resolved to kill one before I leave Africa!

Miss you all and hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
I am very thankful for you.

Love in Christ,

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